We Need You On Capitol Hill! February 22, 2019 We need your voice in D.C. during the 2019 NFDA Advocacy Summit. The early-bird registration (save $50!) and hotel reservation deadline for this event is March 6.
Donor Support Enables Foundation to Expand Awards and Initiatives in 2019 February 22, 2019 2018 major gifts and pledges lead to an increase in 2019 Funeral Service Foundation awards and initiatives.
Estate Tax Relief Bills Introduced in Congress February 22, 2019 Bills that would amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the estate and generation-skipping transfer taxes have been introduced in the House and Senate.
House Passes $7 Billion Pandemic Bill January 10, 2019 The outlook for a bill to reauthorize anti-pandemic and other health emergency programs looks good as lawmakers seek to clear unfinished health business from the last Congress. On January 8, the House passed a bill (H.R. 269), 401-17, to renew $7 billion in emergency pandemic-prevention p...
D.C. Happenings January 03, 2019 Divided Congress Poses Obstacles Washington tends to work best when one party controls both Congress and the White House. It’s most gridlocked, usually, when control of Congress is split. Combined with the government shut down, these are interesting times in Washington, D.C. Learn more. &lsq...
Adventure Awaits! January 02, 2019 Did you make a New Year’s resolution to travel more in 2019? Travel abroad with fellow funeral professionals and experience culture, customs and funeral service trends around the world!
We Want You! December 31, 2018 NFDA is seeking applicants for open seats on the Board of Directors for the 2019-20 leadership year. Beginning January 1, NFDA will have application information on its website.
Renew Today: Membership Has Its Benefits December 30, 2018 If you haven’t yet done so, renew your NFDA membership today! We don't want you to lose access to the benefits that help you achieve more in your business, your community and your life.
Happy Holidays - NFDA Offices Closed December 30, 2018 The NFDA offices will be closed December 25 and January 1 in observance of the upcoming Christmas and New Year's holidays.
Turn Over a New Leaf December 21, 2018 Many people make New Year’s resolutions. Sometimes those resolutions are focused on unhealthy addictions, such as gambling, shopping, internet usage, and drug and alcohol use. The NFDA Work/Life Resource Program, a benefit of your NFDA membership, offers free webinars on a wide range of topics...