NFDA has many opportunities for you, as a member, to be involved with your association. NFDA's Special Advisory Panels (SAP) have seats available on Committees, Workgroups, and Task Force Groups. Volunteer members from across the country provide valuable insight into many areas of the association. Volunteer commitments may differ in their service, but all appointed seats operate for a minimum one-year term.
Volunteer for an NFDA Special Advisory Panel (SAP) Seat
Express your interest and make a difference. Find an interest group that fits your expertise and let us know by completing our Volunteer Form.
NFDA will review member submissions during July and August and send letters of inquiry in the fall of that year. Members are welcome to complete the Volunteer Form year-round, but SAP placement is only once a year and has limited sized panels.
Learn more about NFDA's groups and committees below. Select the title to learn more detail about each panel.
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