NFDA Meet the Mentors at a glance:
Who attends:
NFDA-members, licensed funeral directors/embalmers age 40 or under, or newly licensed within the last five years, are invited to participate in the program and are chosen by random drawing.
One entry per person. Registration is not transferable. Spouses and guests are not eligible to attend. You must be 40 or under, or new to the profession (first licensed within the last five years), and an NFDA member at the time of entry. Previous Meet the Mentors attendees are not eligible to attend.
What’s covered:
Mentees receive free registration and three nights of lodging. Your attendance includes the Welcome Reception and all meals during the event.
This is an opportunity to learn from experienced funeral service professionals and network with fellow NFDA members who are newer to the profession.
What are participants saying?
“Meet the Mentors was such an eye-opening experience. I was able to learn so much from so many different funeral service professionals. This program inspired me so much to dream bigger in my career.”
“This was a program that included a great mix of funeral directors and embalmers from all over the country. It was a chance to take a pause from serving and celebrate ourselves as professionals. We developed friendships and connections that we will carry with us for the rest of our careers and lives. I can’t say enough good things about this experience.”