27 funeral service professionals participated in the 2024 Meet the Mentors program in Washington, D.C. held March 19-22. This event was held in conjunction with the association's annual Advocacy Summit.

Congratulations to the 2024 Meet the Mentors participants!
Camille Bourbeau |
Kortez Boyd |
Alexandra Caselli |
Darian Chalmers |
Cheyanne Cobbs |
Monique Dallaire |
Jordan Fenner |
CaMille Gates |
Jesse Gomes |
Wylie Halferty |
Chelsea Hogan |
Angelina Huddleston-Kush |
Kayla Hutter |
Dominique Johnson |
Steve Johnson |
Morgan Liscio |
Nicole Lutz |
Rachel Mackey |
Kathryn (Katie) McFadden |
Amber Perez |
Charles (Ron) Poston |
Kelsey Ricci |
Joe Louis Sanchez |
Alexandria Shadof |
Ashley Smiths |
Katlyn Taueetia |
Tyler Wilson |