The 2018 NFDA International Convention & Expo mobile app, which offers comprehensive information about this year’s event, is now available! The app is free and can be downloaded today.
The NFDA Convention mobile application can be downloaded for free from the Apple or Google Play Store. Simply search for "NFDA Events App" and download the app.
If you downloaded the app last year, open the app and you will be prompted to download the 2018 NFDA Convention information; you will also need to enter the password "2018nfda."
If you are not prompted to download the 2018 Convention, open your app settings and look for the "refresh" option. If you still do not see a "refresh" option, delete the app from your device and re-install the "NFDA Events App" from the Apple or Google Play Store.
The NFDA Convention app puts the world's largest gathering of funeral professionals in the palm of your hand and features:
- General information about the convention
- Workshop handouts (if provided by the speaker - New this year, the NFDA Convention app is your only source for workshop handouts. From the app, you can download handouts to your device, upload them to your DropBox or cloud account, email them to yourself, and more.)
- An up-to-date daily schedule of events with the ability to create a personal daily schedule and set up meetings with fellow attendees
- The ability to take notes during workshops and general sessions
- Speaker profiles
Details about the Expo Hall, including an exhibitor list (alphabetical and by category), map and the ability for attendees to create a personal list of must-see booths.
- Information about the official event venues and hotels
- A photo scavenger hunt
- The activity feed with photos and social media posts from your fellow attendees
- And more!
Take full advantage of the app by setting up a profile; this will enable you to create a personal schedule of events and workshops you want to attend, share contact information, send messages to fellow attendees, and more.
Please note: some features on the app will not be available until the Convention starts.
NFDA thanks FrontRunner for its sponsorship of the mobile application.