NFDA is thrilled to welcome the 50 funeral professionals attending our 2018 Meet the Mentors program. Meet the Mentors is taking place March 11-13 at Emory Conference Center Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia. During Meet the Mentors, attendees will meet, learn from, and talk with three innovative and successful funeral professionals.
Meet the Mentors has been wholly funded by the Funeral Service Foundation since the program’s 2011 inception.
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We have our own version of March Madness at Meet the Mentors. Today, the mentees are doing group presentations on a variety of topics, ranging from the future of funeral service and problem solving to dream funeral homes and children and grief.

We have an awesome group for the 2018 Meet the Mentors Program!

We've got lively roundtable discussions happening this afternoon during Meet the Mentors!

Thank you to our 2018 mentors (L to R): Victor March, Matt Baskerville and Erlinda Valdez. Learn more about them here.

Meet the Mentors has been wholly funded by the Funeral Service Foundation since the program's 2011 inception. Foundation Chair Bob Arrington helped welcome this year’s class.

Our mentees are up early and ready for a full day of learning.

The 2018 Meet the Mentors program kicked off Sunday evening with a Welcome Reception that gave the mentors and mentees a chance to get to know one another.