Step 1: Submit Your Registration Form
All participants must submit a registration form and payment, by the entry deadline, July 15, 2025. Download a registration form and submit it, along with your payment, to NFDA:
- Fax: 262-789-6977
- Mail: NFDA; Attn: Pursuit of Excellence; 13625 Bishop's Dr.; Brookfield, WI 53005, USA
- Phone: Call 800-228-6332 (+1-262-789-1880) and an NFDA member service representative can take your payment by phone
Step 2: Prepare Your Entry
Download the 2025 registration and application materials, which will help you understand the criteria that must be fulfilled and serve as your guide to submitting an entry.
NFDA will again use the Survey Monkey Apply platform for the submission of entries in 2025. The platform enables you to log in, work on your entry, save your work, and continue to work on it at another time.
All entries must be submitted via survey monkey apply, no exceptions. Entries will not be accepted by fax, mail, email, etc.
Click here to begin or continue working on your entry.
Look for a video overview of how to prepare your entry using survey monkey apply and other useful FAQ documents below.
Step 3: Submit Your Entry
Your entry must be finalized and submitted to NFDA using the Survey Monkey Apply platform by 11:59 p.m. CT on July 15, 2025.
To submit your entry, click the green "Submit" button in Survey Monkey Apply. You should receive a confirmation email upon submission and the system will indicate your entry has been submitted (see below). If you wish to confirm submission, please send an email to
Late entries will not be accepted, no exceptions.