About the Episode: In this episode, host Gabe Schauf chats with Kelly Monroe, Funeral Instructor (and Gabe's co-worker) with the Milwaukee Area Technical College Funeral Service Program, and Dr. Damon de la Cruz, Director of Education with the Frigid Fluid Company, about funeral apprenticeships. Topics include the expectations and responsibilities of both the trainer and trainee, as well as how to make the most of the experience. They discuss common challenges, share valuable insights, and offer practical advice to help both mentors and apprentices succeed in the field. Whether you are new to the profession and navigating your apprenticeship or a funeral professional training apprentices, there is something here for you.
Are you a funeral apprentice with some thoughts to share or suggestions on improvements? Are you a funeral director with some best practices and success stories? We would love to hear from you in or comments section or through your emails to abrushwithdeath@nfda.org.
About Kelly: Kelly Monroe is proud to be a 25-year licensed funeral director in Wisconsin, and a full-time educator since 2014 in the Funeral Service Program at Milwaukee Area Technical College. With a M.Ed. in Adult, Community, and Professional Education, she is committed to inspiring future funeral service professionals across the state.
Kelly is the co-creator and facilitator of Wisconsin's only Funeral Director Apprentice Certification Course. She also supports the Medical College of Wisconsin's body donation program that provides hands-on education and training of medical students and residents. Kelly's greatest enjoyment comes from spending time with her family, especially her four children.
About Damon: Damon de la Cruz, PhD is a licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. He is the Director of Education for the Frigid Fluid Company, an educator for several Funeral Service education programs, and has served the American Board of Funeral Service Education on multiple committees. He speaks nationally and internationally on a regular basis.
His embalming career has spanned multiple states, countries, and continents. Damon has a bachelor’s degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology and was awarded a Doctorate in Pathobiology from the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California for his work on stem cell homeostasis.
Most Recently, Damon has co-authored the textbook Turning Art into Science: Applying Chemistry to Funeral Service. This is a book that succinctly bridges concepts across embalming, funeral service and chemistry. Additionally, he recognizes the potential for technology in funeral service and created the popular free embalming app Embalm Calc.