New Film, "The Burial," to be Released Oct. 6 October 02, 2023 You may be aware that a movie inspired by the lawsuit filed by Mississippi funeral director Jeremiah O’Keefe against the Loewen Group in the mid-1990s is slated to come out in theaters October 6 and Amazon Prime Video on October 13. The trailer can be viewed here:
NFDA Shared Your Story in D.C. During FTC Workshop on Proposed Changes to the Funeral Rule October 01, 2023 On September 7, NFDA took a leading role in Shopping for Funeral Services, a Funeral Rule workshop hosted by the FTC. The event focused on a number of issues related to the Funeral Rule including the comments received in response to an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) the agency issued l...
NFDA Partners with End Well September 28, 2023 NFDA is pleased to announce a new partnership with End Well. NFDA offers our members the information and tools they need to serve grieving families. Our new partnership further expands our members' perspectives on death, loss, and grief and enables us to work in solidarity with other professiona...
Administration Awards $600 Million to Bolster U.S. Manufacturing of COVID-19 Tests; Reopens September 28, 2023 The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR), has announced a $600 million investment across 12 domestic COVID-19 test manufacturers, as well as the reopening of, to deliver free COVID-19 tests to hou...
What Happened in Vegas Won’t Stay in Vegas: 2023 NFDA Convention Attendees Leave with New Ideas and Connections to Benefit their Businesses and Grieving Families September 26, 2023 For the first time in 16 years, NFDA held its International Convention & Expo under the bright lights of Las Vegas from September 10 to 13. Much has changed in Las Vegas since NFDA was last there in 2007; likewise, things have continued to change in funeral service. NFDA planned a much-laud...
NFDA Introduces Remembering A Life Journey Cards for People Who Are Grieving September 21, 2023 Beautifully designed decks are the perfect, cost-effective aftercare gift for families. The National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) has introduced, as part of its Remembering A Life consumer education initiative, a deck of cards that helps families and individuals move forward on their grie...
Memories from Las Vegas September 18, 2023 Thank you to everyone who joined us last week in Las Vegas for the 2023 NFDA International Convention & Expo. We’re grateful to all of you who stayed behind to serve grieving families – the work you did was very important. You can relive highlights from our time in Las Vegas onlin...
How Is Preneed Like Leg Day? September 18, 2023 Do you have tasks in your life that are very necessary for success but not always at the top of the list in terms of things you really want to do? In the latest episode of A Brush With Death, host, Gabe Schauf sits down with Tyler Anderson, vice president of business development at Precoa, to ...
Help Improve Funeral Service Education September 17, 2023 The American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE) is asking you to take part in an important survey that will help improve funeral service education. Every five years ABFSE reviews the standards used for accreditation of funeral service education programs. ABFSE wants to obtain feedb...
Bluewater Voyage Buoy Wins 2023 NFDA Innovation Award September 11, 2023 Today, NFDA presented the 2023 NFDA Innovation Award to Bluewater Voyage Buoy during its International Convention & Expo. Coming in second place was the Tug-Along by Mortuary Lift Company; and Matan’s Life Map took third place. Established in 2009, the NFDA Innovation Award recognizes and ...